Organizational Innovation of Integrated Design of Infrastructures in Large-scale Park

Dingyuan Wu1, Feng Gang1
1 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, 430070
Infrastructures in large-scale park are the most basic substance to realize the function of the park, and the important basis for the sustainable development of the park. Because infrastructures in large-scale park involve multi-system and multi-specialty such as municipal traffic, electric power energy and communication network and then were designed by different design units according to different reference standards, infrastructures in large-scale park have inconsistent design standards, unharmonious design schedule, unshared design achievement and so on, therefore, the integrated design pattern should be taken. This paper will give an overview of integrated design of infrastructures in large-scale park in the first place, and then put forward organizational operation mode and communication mode of integrated design of infrastructures in large-scale park on the basis of the thought of organizational adhesion, and finally construct organizational game model of integrated design of infrastructures in large-scale park in virtue of the theory of positive game and analyze income distribution of each member in integrated design organization by the use of Shapley value method.