Proportionality of component factors in shipping safety cost based on GA-BP model

Hao Li, Qingnian Zhang
School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430063, Hubei, China
Security is the base of development. Shipping safety is of great significance in promoting rapid and sound development of shipping economy, and the efficient investment of shipping safety cost is the guarantee of the increase of shipping safety economic benefit and shipping security level. Shipping safety cost consists of the guarantee-purpose safety cost and the cost of safety failure. It is found that the guarantee-purpose shipping safety cost composition also influences the cost of shipping safety failure, and the relationship between them is complex nonlinear. The component factors of shipping safety cost are discussed from the perspective of shipping business actual. Genetic algorithm is adopted to optimize neural network, which improves the convergence rate and precision of neural network. The genetic algorithm optimizing neural network model (GA-BP) is established to quantify the proportionality between the guarantee-purpose shipping safety cost composition and the cost of shipping safety failure through network training. This research provides data support for the effective investment decision of shipping safety cost.