Research on Land Utilization Intensity Control and Urban Design Fusion Mechanism Based on Spatial Hierarchy Coupling Model

Quanhua Hou 12, Shuang Xia3, Wenhui Wang2
1Highway College, Chang’an University, Xi’an, 710064, China
2School of Architecture, Chang’an University, Xi’an, 710064, China
3China Machinery International Engineering Design Research Institute Liability Co. , Ltd, Changsha 410001, China
Under the work of vigorously promoting the “whole cover” regulatory plan across the country, urban design also desiderates the regulatory plan of land use intensity. And of which urban design conducts fusion influencing mechanism in three levels under the engineering of fusion compilation system. This paper put forward the control of land use intensity and the fusion compilation of urban design in hierarchical regulatory plan. Through analysis on the spatial level of regulatory plan compilation in various cities, the content and scale of regulatory plan system engineering were shown. As to coupling and relevancy of the division of compilation spatial level, based on the coupling model of spatial level and the fully grasp of the connotation of spatial level system engineering, this paper presented the framework of coupling model with the consistency of its principle, scale and content. Moreover, this paper conducted the research on influencing factors of the control of land use intensity and the fusion mechanism of urban design in hierarchy. Its mechanism avoided the control and guidance of comprehensive urban design mainly on macro space, which was difficult to achieve the practical requirement in urban design.