Research on remote oil and gas pipeline leakage detection system

Zhang He, Y Q Tang , P Ren
Mechatronic engineering College, University of Southwest Petroleum, Xindu Str. 8, CHIN-610500 Sichuan, China
The pipeline transport is the main mode of transportation of oil and gas which is the most important source of energy in modern society. However, leakage has become the major failure of oil and gas pipeline operation, especially the leakage accidents caused by pipeline corrosion and perforation occur frequently, which seriously interferes with the normal production, and causes huge economic loss and environmental pollution. In this paper, the remote oil and gas pipeline leakage detecting system based on the technology of Internet and ZigBee was studied. Through the wireless Internet and ZigBee network, this system realizes the remote detection of oil and gas pipeline leakage with CC2430 communication chip at the core. Experimental results show that this detecting system is capable of judging and positioning pipeline leakage in time and accurately.