Revenue-sharing Contract Coordination in the Tourism Service Supply Chain based on Fairness Concerns

Zhang Cheng, Zhang Zhijian, Zhang Nian
School of Economy and Management, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, China, 330013
The paper introduce the behaviour of fairness concerns into the tourism service supply chain system, and study the influence of tour organizing agency’s fairness concern to the effectiveness of tour organizing agency, the revenue of local travel agency and the whole supply chain’s effectiveness, and used the revenue sharing contract to coordinate supply chain, and get the feasible interval and feasible interval length of the income share factor. The research show that the revenue sharing contract could coordinate the whole supply chain system and improve the effectiveness of the tour organizing agency, the local travel agency and the whole supply chain. The degree of improvement is decided by the fairness concern degree. The feasible interval length of revenue sharing factor would get shorter by the increase of fairness concern degree. Finally, the examples are presented to validate the conclusion.