Strategy of the Conventional Metaphors in English Study and Construction of Analytical Model

Jing Wang, Lan Jiang, Hui Wang
Hebei Normal Uinversity of Science and Technology, Qin Huangdao, Hebei, 066000, China
In cognitive research of metaphor, comprehending processing of metaphor is always a significant research topic. Research on metaphor comprehending of foreign language learner can not only help us to clearer know the comprehending mechanism of language, but also is beneficial for us to reveal the cognition activities and cultural interaction of learners in second language acquisition process, promote students’ foreign language thought and culture their metaphor competence and concept fluency, thus to improve efficiency of foreign language teaching. This paper discussed the metaphor comprehending strategy and model of Chinese English learners in the form of questionnaire test and in the perspective of thinking process and output of learners. This study found that, English learners in China mainly applied sentence context and literal translation method to understand metaphor; second is to use English background knowledge and mother language background knowledge; in addition, learners also use guess, mental imagery and sentence analysis to understand metaphor. Therefore, English learners in China have specificity in metaphor comprehending process, and use analytical model to deduce the significance of English conventional metaphor.