The Acceleration of the Excellent Document Resources of Medical Colleges and Universities’ Libraries Bring to Key Subject Construction

Chengbi Zheng1, Siqin Sun1, Jingyi Sun2, Qiming Li1, Yu Wang2, Baoliang Sun 3
1Library, Taishan Medical University,Shandong, China
2Department of Clinical Medicine, Taishan Medical University,Shandong, China
3Key Lab of Cerebral Microcirculation in Universities of Shandong, Taishan Medical University,Shandong, China
The document resources of medical colleges and universities’ libraries has great function to the key subject construction and meanwhile is a main route for teachers and students to cognize the medical development at present. This paper discusses the connotation, level and mutual transformation of key subject of medical colleges, including the construction standard of excellent document resource of medical college libraries and the functions to key subject construction. It points out that document resource construction is a manifestation of strength of colleges and universities. Not to be marginalization in the key subject construction, the college must optimize the distribution of document resource and set up management council of key subject document resource. Through research of each research direction of key subject, collecting excellent document resource and reporting back to libraries of colleges and universities, colleges and universities make the document resource adequately functioned.