The construction and application of impact model for social networks

Liguo Huang, Lufang Mi
Department of Mathematics, Binzhou University, Huanghe Str. 5, Binzhou, China
The co-authorship network of scientists represents a prototype of complex evolving networks. In addition, it offers one of the most extensive database to date on social networks. The focus of our work is to analyze influence and impact in research networks and other areas of society. Through the analysis over 18000 lines of raw data in the Erdos1.htm, we infer the structure of this network containing 9784 nodes and 17273 edges. Global metrics such as degree centrality, closeness centrality and betweenness centrality can be used to identify the influence. Based on the influence measurement model, we find that Alon Nogam, Harary Frank and Shelah Saharon have significant influence on the network. By analyzing the important works from its publication, we build another influence measure model, which includes the impact factor of researchers, publications and journals, to determine the papers’ relative influence. The conclusion is that the second paper possesses significant influence on the network.