Weight optimization of transportation routing planning Dijkstra algorithm

Jun Yuan, Peilin Zhang, Liqun Ding
Transportation planning and management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430063, Hubei, China
As to standard Dijkstra algorithm for planning transportation routing still exists low computing speed, inaccuracy issues, this paper proposes a Dijkstra algorithm which is based on data constraints and path impacts optimization of factors, firstly, pre-process all directed-node pairs in routing traffic network, and then in Dijkstra way for reverse expanding boundary nodes, which limits its path boundary, then mark the optimal node on path nodes and take "target block" as a unit for storage, so as to speed up algorithm’s running speed, at last, in order to improve the accuracy of traditional algorithm’s routing planning, add routing impact factors to the traditional algorithm, and weight optimize it. Simulation results show that, compared with the standard Dijkstra algorithm, the Dijkstra algorithm proposed in this paper is based on data constraints and routing impacts optimization of factors, its speed of operation is greatly shortened, routing planning accuracy is greatly increased, and it has an good robustness.