A wavelet time entropy algorithm for ultrasonic signal detection

An-ran Xu, Qing-wei Ye, Jia-huan Qiang, Sheng-qi Shan, Dan Zhang
Information science and engineering college, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China
Ultrasonic signal detection is an important method of the non-destructive test. The ultrasonic signal detection can diagnosis the internal defects of materials or mechanical components non-destructively. There are some difficulties of ultrasonic signal detection to check the echo signal within the ultrasonic signal. With the wavelet transform and Shannon entropy theory, an improved wavelet-time entropy algorithm is put forward in this paper. The high-frequency coefficients of wavelet transform are replaced by the low-frequency coefficients, and the optimal width of window is worked out for actual ultrasonic signal. The numerical simulations are carried out to prove the feasibility of this algorithm in abnormal signal detection. The results show that the improved wavelet-time entropy algorithm can detect the echo signal in ultrasonic signal effectively.