Numerical simulation of seismic damage evolution of ancient masonry pagodas in China

Shengcai Li, Youjun Zhao, Yu Liu
School of Architectural Science and Civil Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China
The visualization of seismic damage evolution will be useful to elucidate the mechanism of damage progression of ancient masonry pagodas undergoing shock from earthquakes. The typical seismic damage features of ancient masonry pagodas are summarized in this paper. The methodologies for how to construct a dynamic elastic-plastic analysis model of masonry pagodas are probed. In addition, explicit dynamic analysis was conducted with an example of the Longhu Ancient Pagoda which is located at Deyang, Sichuan Province in China, and experienced the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008. The evolution time-sequence of deforming, cracking, and local crushing of the Longhu Ancient Pagoda during the Wenchuan Earthquake is analysed. The visualization presents the main features of seismic damage evolution in different seismic vibrating stages and could serve as a useful reference for further research.