Ring-shaped array ultrasound imaging using ellipse algorithm

Liu Yang, Chunguang Xu, Xianghui Guo
Key laboratory of Fundamental Science for Advanced Machining, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, 100081
A ring-shaped array tomography modal consists of 36 ultrasonic transducers is established to study the multi-objects imaging in fluid medium by the ellipse algorithm. The algorithm is based on ultrasonic reflection mode which is a good alternative to transmission tomography when the inspected object would bring about severe attenuation to ultrasound. Ultrasonic propagation inside the ring-shaped array is simulated by COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Air bubbles and solid objects are insonified separately by the propagating waves and the corresponding scattering waves are detected through the ring-shaped array transducers. After the superposition of the numerous ellipses and threshold filtering for the reconstructed images, the shapes, sizes and positions of the tested objects are successfully reproduced.