Spatial model and safety evaluation for water supply and drainage system and fire fighting system of football field

Guoqing Zhang1, Jun Fan2
1Jilin Normal University, SiPingCity, JiLin Province, China, 136000
2Aviation University of Air Force, ChangChunCity, JiLin Province, China, 130000
With the host of World Cup in Brazil, football becomes popular again and more audiences watching games in football field. To guarantee audiences’ personal safety, the water supply and drainage system and fire fighting system of football field are significant. In order to provide a reasonable water supply and drainage system and the standard for evaluating the fire fighting system of football field, the necessity of the design of water supply and drainage system was analyzed and the design plan and layout map of the drainage system were obtained. Afterwards, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model was constructed for analyzing the safety evaluation standard for the fire fighting system of football field. In consideration of the influencing factors including personal safety, property safety, construction safety and environment safety, the proportions of each factor that influences the standard for evaluating the fire fighting system were acquired by analyzing. The analysis of the proportions of the factors such as safe evacuation facilities, fire protection, and smoke exhaust and alarm system indicated that there were slight differences among the proportions of these factors; and the safe evacuation facilities factor accounted for a largest proportion. All these illustrated that the safety evaluation of fire fighting system of football field had to be performed based on the standard that whether there were safe evacuation facilities, fire protection, and smoke exhaust and alarm system, and apply the personal safety protection as its main objective.