The movement rule of rust in primary airflow on fully mechanized heading faces and its numerical simulation

Zhong-liang Lu1, 2, 3, 4
1 School of Safety Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Henan, Jiaozuo 454003;
2 Key Laboratory of Gas Geology and Gas Control, Henan Polytechnic University, Henan, Jiaozuo 454003;
3 Collaborative Innovation Center of Central Plains Economic Region for Coalbed /Shale Gas of Henan Province, Henan,Jiaozuo 454003;
4 The Collaborative Innovation Center of coal safety production of Henan Province, Henan, Jiaozuo 454003
Ventilation mode is applied in most coal mines in China for dedusting on fully-mechanized coal faces. On the heading faces, the cutting head of roadheader generates primary airflow of dusts when it works. While, the ventilation flow for discharging dusts produces secondary airflow that moves dusts. Owing to secondary airflow is the major power source of dust movement, how dusts move on heading faces without ventilation flow and the movement rule were investigated. Based on fluid mechanics and by using the discrete phase model in FLUENT software, numerical simulation was performed for the movement of discrete-phase dusts of different sizes on the heading faces. The simulation results indicated that the maximum moving distance of dusts was within 0.5 m to the heading faces. The conclusion provided significant theoretical basis for dedusting on heading faces in coal mines.