The study on computer aided building renovation simulation

Fang Li1, Qun Chen2
1 Hubei Normal University, Huangshi, Hubei, 435002, China
2 Hubei Polytechnic University, Huangshi, Hubei, 435002, China
Many global organizations have invested significant resources to create sustainable environments during the last decade. As the economic, environmental and social aspects of built environment sustainability are considered, building renovation has received increasing attention as a viable alternative to redevelopment or reconstruction, reducing the tremendous cost, abating environmental impacts and maintaining better social relationships with neighbors. Building simulation is very useful to accurately determine the thermal performance and energy consumption of buildings, especially for improving buildings at the design stage. However, the results predicted by the simulations are only valid if the model is properly calibrated. Calibration means technical and operational adjustments of the computer model that represents the building. For this purpose, many techniques have been developed, which are based either on long or short term measurements of some building parameters. It is a laborious process, in which the user has to insert several input parameters in the simulation programmer and, at the same time, collect responses from the actual building operation. The algorithm developed in this study is very effective and suitable for solving complicated and large-scale combinational, discrete and determinate problems. The data module of the system is flexible, and data for cost score and assessment items can be modified or customized according to actual requirements in different regions and countries. Although the system development is based on major characteristics of office buildings, the flexible data module employed in the system can also provide users with high feasibility and flexibility to define different assessment items, renovation actions, as well as their corresponding cost and score for other building types to conduct optimization. Future efforts to continuously improve the system and to promote its application to contribute towards more sustainable built environments are expected.