Micro real-time pre-emption operating system for industry wireless sensor networks

Kanghong Duan, Hongxin Zhang, Shilin Song, Peigang Wang
North China Sea Marine Technical Support Centre of State Oceanic Administration, 22 Fushun Road,, Qingdao, China,266033
Event-driven systems and thread-driven systems are two major design philosophy of operating system in wireless sensor networks. Systems based on multi-threaded are more timeliness than the event-driven systems, which can meet the requirements of time-critical tasks by means of task pre-emption, while systems based on event-driven are more energy efficient. Furthermore, μCOS-II is a classical system, which combines benefits in both systems. Therefore, our recent work we have shown that a micro real-time pre-emption operating system has been proposed on the basis of μCOS-II. First of all, a clear hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is given to combine the kernel and hardware in the system architecture. Moreover, this system is more capable of fitting both sensor network design goals of energy efficiency and timeliness. We are dedicated to modify the existing system from the scheduling strategy and data structure aspects, which lead to the performance of the modified system largely improved. Above all, the performance of our operating system is better than the original μCOS-II and TinyOS from task switch time, FLASH usage and RAM usage perspectives.