Development of multidimensional model of data for information and analytical decision-making support system

R Uskenbayeva, B Kurmangaliyeva, N Mukazhanov
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, International University of Information Technologies, 34 «А»/8 «А» Manas Str./Zhandosov Str., Almaty, Kazakhstan
Today almost in all spheres of industry it is observed the urgent need of information technologies development and increase of using opportunities. This paper is devoted to creation of multidimensional model of data for information and analytical system of decision-making support for management. The information and analytical system is developed by means of OLAP technology (On-Line Analytical Processing) which in turn analyses collected materials at a real time based on strategic level of solution. In information systems this technology displays data in the form of a multidimensional cube, and necessary data for users will be expressed in the form of cube slices. The multidimensional model of data is developed for information system intended for decision-making support of higher education institutions management.