A dual capacity sourcing model of disruption management for an injured power system

Bao Xing1, 2
1 Zhejiang Provincial Committee Party School of CPC, West Wenyi Str. 1000, 311121 Hangzhou, China
2 Zhejiang Scientific Development Research Centre, West Wenyi Str. 1000, 311121 Hangzhou, China
Great loss would be caused when power system lost its critical capacity by the impact of extreme events. Disruption management of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company of China (shorted for SGZEPC) suffered in 2008 was firstly investigated, and then a dual sourcing model of regular and expedite capacity during recovery periods is correspondingly presented in this paper. A mathematical model of capacity procurement in a multi recover periods is constructed at the aim of minimizing the disruption cost of injured power system. Three meaningful managerial insights are obtained through sensitivity analysis on key parameters, which is helpful for manager to make decision during the disruption period.