Dynamic coupling analysis of rocket propelled sled using multibody-finite element method

Jianhua Zhang
School of Science, Chang’An University, Xi’an 710064, China
Rocket propelled sled is a most important testing tool in aerospace and aviation industries flying along the rails on the ground. It is very difficult to simulate the operating conditions in the computer using numerical analysis method. In consideration of this fact, the dynamics analysis and simulation of the rocket propelled sled were done based on Multibody System Dynamics and Finite Element Analysis theory in this paper. The most difficult work during the analysis was establishing the boundary conditions of the rocket propelled sled. This paper made this kind of attempt. Then the relevant post processing figures and data were obtained, thereby providing the designer and manufacturer with detailed and reliable data. The conclusion is the combination of finite element analysis and multisystem theory is more effective than those before and the boundary conditions are correct and acceptable. The results of it can be important references of structure designers.