Integrating TTF and TAM perspectives to explain mobile knowledge work adoption

Yongqin Jin1, Dongsheng Liu2, 3
1 Zhejiang Digital Financial Management Center, HangZhou, China
2 College of Computer Science & Information Engineering Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China
3 Centre for Studies of Modern Business Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China
It is an advanced research subject to information technology as well as a great influence to the development of mobile work that how mobile work service is adopted and how it provides effectiveness. This article refers to 1) Analyse principles of TAM & TTF models, clarify the precondition and strength & weakness of the model, and propose a new mobile work service model combined with TAM & TTF; 2) Practical study to the new model. The conclusion for this model is as follow: a) two basic characteristics of mobile work and support from up-level managers in a firm are the preconditions whether service will be adopted. b) task-technology matching is the significant factor on service acceptation. c) It could improve employees’ efficiency within the practical use of task-technology matching mobile work service.