Multidisciplinary design optimization of complex products based on data fusion and agent model

Lei Li1, 2, Jianrun Zhang2
1 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212000, China
2 Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) of complex products is discussed in this article. For the characteristics of higher order, high-dimensional, multi-input and multi-output in design of complex products, application of MDO in design and optimization of complex products is difficult. An effective MDO framework combined with the method of data fusion and agent model is proposed. Firstly, date fusion is applied to deal with the process with a large number of incomplete, vague and uncertain in complex product’s evaluation and optimization; secondly, agent model is used to reduce the complexity of the MDO model; and finally, MDO is applied to complex products design and optimization according to the collaborative design and optimization method. In order to identify the feasibility of this method, the design of diesel engine motion mechanism is discussed and shown a good result. The current study provides a powerful tool for complex products designing and optimization and owns great theory and practical values.