Vibration-modal analysis model for multi-span pipeline with different support conditions

Jun Liu1, 2, Xing He1, Qingyou Liu2, Jiang Naibin3, Huang Chen1
1School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
2Modern Design and Simulation Lab for Oil&Gas Equipment’s, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
3Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610041, China
Vibration characteristics analysis is important in the design of multi-span pipeline with different support conditions. In order to analyze the natural frequency and the vibration modal of the multi-span pipeline, a matrix transfer method is proposed in this paper. With the multi-span pipeline divided into single-span pipes, the transmission formulas for the deflection, angle, bending and shear between two adjacent spans are deduced, in combination with the Krylov function solution of the free vibration equation for the single-span pipe, and the constraint condition between the two adjacent spans of the multi-span pipeline. According to the boundary conditions on the starting and ending spans, the natural frequency equation and the vibration modal function between two adjacent spans of the multi-span pipeline are presented. The FORTRAN program based on the above principle is written, and the natural vibration frequencies and the vibration modals of two typical multi-span pipelines are investigated and compared with the results from ABAQUS. It is shown that the model presented in this paper is efficient in the analysis of multi-span pipeline and has the advantages of high computational efficiency and convenience for engineering practice application.