Research and realization of handheld radio direction finding communication system

Bin Dong1, Guojie Yang1, Tie Liang2
1Hebei university Affiliated Hospital, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China
2New Campus Management and Construction Office of Hebei University, China
Radio direction finding communication system has been widely used in civil and military fields. The handheld communication equipment with small development volume and low power has become the irresistible trend. Combined with magnitude comparison, a handheld direction finding and communication receiving system is researched and designed. And it is applied to radio communication system. This system can remove the influence of antenna on the hardware circuit, human body interference and surrounding environment. Besides, it has the advantages of small volume, fast direction finding speed and good capacity of resisting disturbance. Therefore, this handheld radio direction finding communication system has significant application value in public security, forest fire prevention and geological prospecting etc.