Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in weapon equipment systems

Rong-chun Wu1, 2, Feng-li Zhang1, Jin-bang Zhang2, Qian He2
1School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 611731, China
2Second B. Police Academy, Chengdu, 610213, China
Analysis and evaluation of the operational effectiveness of weapon equipment operational systems has always been a complex problem, a study of its evaluation technology is of great significance. Task oriented operation, this paper discusses equipment operational system dynamic integration needs, and discusses the steps and comprehensive performance evaluation method of weapon equipment operational system, made a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to better adapt to comprehensive performance evaluation of weapon equipment operational system. According to the characteristics of system evaluation factors, and gives an indicator of quantitative methods established based on analytic hierarchy process and correlation analysis of comprehensive performance evaluation model, based on three types of weapon equipment operational system data, for example, proves the validity of the method.