A study on application of judgment matrix intelligent correction method in satisfaction evaluation

Chenxia Suo1, Yong Yang2
1Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, 102617, Beijing, China
2College of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, 310018, Hangzhou, China
In order to improve rural folk house renovation in the satisfaction evaluation accurately, this paper puts forward a model for rural folk house renovation in the satisfaction evaluation based on intelligent expert judgement matrix adjustment method(AGA-LCAHP).By means of extracting the offset degree resulting in the inconsistency of AHP judgment matrix, this paper puts forward the new method of using accelerating genetic algorithm to locate the element of judgment matrix and calculate the AHP element ranking weight. This algorithm takes offset information as the foundation of correcting judgment matrix to avoid the subjectivity of correction; at the same time, it reserves and extracts the consistency information of judgment matrix, with the consistency index as the orientation of optimization. The case study result shows that the AGA-LCAHP method features high computational accuracy and stable calculation result and also has the popularization and application value in other comprehensive assessment.