Rural logistics service providers pricing and competition-cooperation research considering the 3PL accessibility
Jing Xu1, 2, Guanxin Yao1, 2
1School of Management, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China, 212013
2Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu, China, 224051
Rural logistics service providers pricing and competition-cooperation problems are researched in this article considering the 3PL accessibility in which the post logistics dominants. In the competition stage a model of master-slave Stackelberg game is to be established, and in the stage of cooperation, a cooperation model under different circumstances and the optimal pricing scheme without government intervention are discussed. This study could provide some economic phenomena existing explanations, as well as a reference and theoretical support for the decision-making act of Postal Logistics and other rural logistics-related subject.