A novel multi-factor simulation algorithm about tactical network connectivity reliability
Xiaolei Sun, Ning Huang, Jian Zhou, Yue Zhang
School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, 100191, Beijing, China
Tactical network is a cooperative engagement of a collection of mobile nodes without the requirements of any centralized access points or existing infrastructures. Its connectivity is very crucial. Thus, the calculation of network's connectivity reliability has great significance to further research of tactical network. At present, the study of network is mainly through analytical methods. Those methods build abstract models alone without considering the transmission characteristics and terrain environment of a tactical network. Meanwhile, the existing simulation methods like Monte Carlo, is too abstract and simple. The OPNET simulation can solve the above problems better. In this paper, we analysed the related characteristics of tactical network and designed tactical network connectivity calculating algorithm based on the OPNET simulation. Through the algorithm, we take the transmission and environment features into consideration. As a result, we analysed the effects of wireless transmission characteristics, mobile models and terrain environment on network two-terminal reliability in specific cases.