Towards an organizational learning framework for IS development
Hsin-Ke Lu, Peng-Chun Lin
Institute of Information Management, School of Continuing Education, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Information systems (IS) development has been one of IT managers’ concerns for decades. To improve the effectiveness of IS development, many studies argued that development methods need the continuous learning mechanism to better utilize the knowledge along with all development stages. In this study, we discoursed the essential important of organizational learning for development team to deal with the complexities of IS development. The development team failed to learn from the experience in prior IS development projects because of limits of individual learning. Knowledge management concepts are gradually mature and will be fundamental theories to integrate the organizational learning mechanism into IS development. This paper illustrated all related literature and theories and proposed an organizational learning framework for IS development. The framework could aid the development team to recognize the value of organizational learning in the IS development activities and guide for devising the mechanisms for acquiring, maintaining and transferring that knowledge.