Nanocarbon electromagnetics in CNT-, GNR- and aerogel-based nanodevices: models and simulations

Yu Shunin1, 2, S Bellucci2, Yu Zhukovskii1, V Gopeyenko3, N Burlutskaya3, T Lobanova-Shunina4
1Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Kengaraga Str. 8, LV-1063 Riga, Latvia
2INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Via Enrico Fermi 40, I-00044, Frascati-Rome, Italy
3ISMA University, 1 Lomonosov, Bld 6, LV-1019, Riga, Latvia
4Riga Technical University, Aviation Institute, 1 Lomonosov, Bld V, LV-1019, Riga, Latvia
Electromagnetic properties of nanocarbon systems are essential for the creation of various nanoelectronic devices. Our major attention is focused on CNTs, graphene nanostructures (e.g., GNR and GNF), graphene-based aerogels (GBA) and CNT-based aerogels (CNTBA) as the basis for high-speed nanoelectronics and prospective nanosensors. Special attention is paid to fundamental properties of CNTs, GNRs and various CNT-Me, GNR-Me, CNT-graphene interconnects. Nanosystems of 3D GBA and CNTBA are regarded as complicated systems made up of basic nanocarbon interconnected elements. Technological interest to contacts of CNTs or GNRs with other conducting elements in nanocircuits, FET-type nanodevices, GBA and CNTBA is the reason to estimate various interconnect resistances, which depend on chirality effects in the interconnects. Simulations of electromagnetic properties in interconnects have been performed to evaluate integral resistances, capacitances and impedances of various topologies (1D, 2D and 3D) in nanodevices, including their frequency properties (GHz&THz).