Superfine drug-eluting polyvinyllpyrrolidone based coating for biliary stents

I V Zaporotskova, R V Shinkarev
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, 400062, Universitetskii prospect, 100
The paper describes a chemical method for the fabrication of superfine polivinillpirrolidon based coating for doxorubicin-eluting polymer biliary stents. The optimal conditions for the fabrication were defined and the effectiveness of the coating when exposed to bile in static conditions was proved. The study found that the obtained drug-eluting coating reduces the process of bile crystallization on the sample polymer stent surface. The mechanism of “PVP- doxorubicin” stable adsorption complex formation was studied using quantum - chemical method DFT. A number of positions of doxorubicin molecule in respect to polyvinylpyrrolidone fragment were analyzed, and the basic characteristics of adsorption processes were defined. It was found that energetically more favorable interaction occurs via the doxorubicin molecule oxy group.