Application of the fiber image detection algorithm based on the Grey system theory and Directed graph

Xiaodong Wang1, Jianhui Yang2
1Department of Mathematics and Physics, Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management, China
2School of Mathematics and Statistics, ZhouKou Normal University, Henan, China
After doing research on fiber image with low quality and the Grey prediction model, the Grey correlation degree, directed graph and existing edge detection algorithm, this article proposed a new edge detection algorithm to obtain complete and continuous edge and to improve the defects in traditional operators profiled fiber contour extraction, such as the discontinuous edge, the false edge. This article obtains the fiber outline firstly, and then the edge detection algorithm is applied to the adhesive fibers. Thus, filling algorithm and contour tracking algorithm are used to get the fibers' outer contour. After that applying the directed graph algorithm to edge detection and the complete edge is gained after the burr is eliminated. Proven by the experimental results, the proposed edge detection algorithm can overcome the defects of the conventional edge detection algorithm, such fracture as edge, false edge, etc.