Automating the process of resetting the carrier phase of the mudflow to the downstream reach of Medeo dam

A Dairbayev1, B Belgibayev2, S Dairbayeva1, A Bukesova2
1International University of Information Technologies Department of Computer Engineering and Software 161200, Almaty, Kazakhstan
21DSE"Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics" of RSE "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" 050040, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The carried-out analysis of catastrophic mudflow in Medeo tract in 1973 showed that the abnormal operation of the dam spillways was associated with several deficiencies in the mud dam’s construction and unexplored process of deposition of the solid phase of the carrier medium mudflow mass trapped in the mudflow storage reservoir. Subsequent completion and modernization of spillways was made taking into account the effects of the mudflow in 1973 and now they do not structurally allow catastrophic mud flow cram the mudflow storage reservoir. The article presents a method of controlled dumping the treated fraction from the solid one of of carrying water phase of the forecast catastrophic mudflow through modernized spillways of Medeo mud dam. The proposed approach allows protection from flooding the social-culture objects of Medeo tract through optimal work of spillway that controlled using computer model of automated dam’s control and safety system.