Mobile technologies and electronic governance

Milena Stefanova
St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, 5000 Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
This paper looks at some of the problems of electronic governance in the Republic of Bulgaria. It also provides a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of providing e-services in the e-health sector. An optimized algorithm is then drawn up, upon which a model with vein code biometric identification for web-based systems is applied in the process of providing e-services in the healthcare sector. This model provides a much higher level of authenticity in data processing in comparison with the traditional customer service procedure. A comparative analysis is built upon the various criteria of mobile websites and applications, where the choice of mobile application analysis is well-founded. The major stages of mobile application development are traced and a preliminary research on their precision and convenience is carried out.