Polygraph method in psychological research of human emotions

Polygraph method in psychological research of human emotions

Olena Kosyanova


South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University after K D Ushinsky, Ukraine, Odessa, Staroportofrankovskaya 26, 65020

The structure and characteristics of human emotional maturity have been studied. It was worked out a program (based on software “Sheriff 7” of polygraph “Barrier-14”) for testing a peculiar personal characteristic of juveniles - deceitfulness. Earlier developed diagnostic methods were applied to measure the emotional maturity of a person. The correlation between the emotional maturity of juveniles and their deceitfulness was established using a polygraph method. It was revealed that the low level of emotional maturity corresponds to the weak abilities of juveniles to lie. A research of ethical and social values of contemporary juveniles was undertaken to determine the areas in which the deceitfulness is most pronounced.