Balanced geometric model for uplink power control in industrial wireless networks

Teodor Kalushkov, Oleg Asenov
St.Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Industrial networks now are trying to implement wireless technologies, following the tendencies in communication networks. This task is complicated because of the nature of the industrial environment. Wireless connections hardly achieve the same stable quality of service (QoS) parameters as traditional cable ones. Interference is one of the reasons for that and effective solutions should be developed for its reducing in order to maximize the throughput of the wireless media. Balanced geometric model, which reduces interferences between end-users and access points, is proposed. It is based on Nash Equilibrium Theory and gives opportunity to control the output power of wireless devices in optimal way. The use of vectors in the model helps to analyse in details, impacts between the neighbour points – their power and direction. At the end, there is a sample for using balanced geometric model in industrial network.