Decision support system on the base of genetic algorithm for optimal design of a specialized maritime platform

Andrejs Zvaigzne1, Oleksandr Bondarenko2, Anzhela Boiko3
1Latvian Maritime Academy, Riga, Latvia, 12-k Flotes Street, LV-1016
2Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, Geroev Ukraine Avenue 9, 54025
3Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 68 Desantnikov street 10, 54003
The analysis of possibilities of application of the small waterplane area twin hull ships (SWATH) as a specialty (universal) platform is performed. It is shown that the design of the specialized platform with a small waterplane area twin hull is characterized by a large number of parameters to be determined. The optimum relation selection between SWATH dimensions, seaworthiness, cost and efficiency is proposed by solving a multidimensional optimization problem with the use of special methods of searching solutions. The optimization problem of designing a universal platform is formulated. The constraints accounting on SWATH technical characteristics is produced by using the method of penalty functions. To solve the optimization problem, one of modern search methods – genetic algorithm is used. An example of solving the problem of selection the main dimensions of 25 m platform using a genetic algorithm is presented.