Computer modelling in the physics course for IT students

A V Baranov
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospect K. Marks 20, Novosibirsk, Russia
Since today's students have a great interest in information and communication technologies (ICT), we must recognize that it contains a significant potential for development innovative approaches to learning and teaching. Organization of students’ learning activities using ICT and the problem-project method can significantly enhance the feasibility of additional forms of educational processes. The author use ICT to organize the IT students’ integrated problem-project activities to computer modelling of physical processes. Second-year IT students of the Technical University implement individual virtual projects. The problem-project method generates students’ interest to the process of creating program products and to models of physical processes and phenomena. This complex activity stimulates processes of learning and skills development for multiple subject areas such as physics, mathematics, and programming. Usually the IT students’ virtual projects are created using high-level languages C ++ or C#, and 3D editors. The students’ virtual projects ultimately are software products that can be used in the e-learning environment complementing existing traditional didactic means with virtual computer experiments. The programs make it possible to do virtual experiments, observe and analyse behaviours of simulated systems and features of physical processes. In this article some virtual labs designed by our second year IT students are demonstrated. Some of virtual labs have real prototypes in laboratories and some are unique.