Optimal implementation of critical peak pricing in cloud computing

Aishwarya Soni, Muzammil Hasan
Computer Science & Engineering Department, M.M.M. University of Technology, Gorakhpuir-273010, UP, India
Cloud computing offers a variety of services and hence the opportunity to make profit by using a suitable pricing strategy by selling these services. Yet, the instability of the dynamic price, create a risk for cloud tenants so as to effectively implement a pricing strategy which is beneficial for both tenants and end user. To overcome the dynamic price risk for tenant, method of dynamic pricing scheme between tenants and end user is employed. This paper proposes a model of dynamic pricing scheme, i.e. Critical Peak Pricing based on demand response program for profit of cloud tenants as well as end user satisfaction. The proposed model used the price responsiveness model of end user and the parameters of Critical Peak Pricing that simultaneously affects the benefit of cloud tenants and end user.