Solving electrically-large objects RCS based on 3-D vector parabolic equation method

Meng Kong1, 2, Zhong-xiang Zhang2, Xiao-jing Kuang1, 2, Ming-sheng Chen2, Xian-liang Wu1, 2
1School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei, China
2School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Hefei Normal University, Hefei, China
The vector parabolic equation (VPE) method is introduced to calculate bistatic RCS of three-dimensional (3-D) electrically-large objects and polarization effects are fully taken into account. According to an approximate form of the vector wave equation and divergence-free condition the VPE was derived in this paper. The numerical results conducted on the scattering from perfectly conducting cube show the VPE agree with the exact method, and computation time is acceptable compared with the traditional full wave method.