Epidemic spreading in weighted homogeneous networks with community structure

Epidemic spreading in weighted homogeneous networks with community structure

Chang Zinan, Shao Fei

1Jiangsu Information Analysis Engineering Laboratory, Nanjing 211169, China
2School of Information Technology, Jinling Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211169, China

Community structure has been proven to have great impact on epidemic spread in weighted networks. To understand the epidemic propagation in weighted homogeneous networks with community structure, a model of pseudo-random network is presented with adjustable community structure. By changing the number of edges connecting to the nodes in the same community and the weight of edges connecting to the nodes in the same community, we investigate the epidemic spreading in weighted homogeneous networks with different community structure. Simulations show that both the number of within-community edge and the weight of within-community edge have great impact on epidemic spreading behaviour.