Study on ratio of similar materials based on coal mass strength

Xiao Liu1, 2, Haixiao Lin1, Fan Zhang1
1School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan 454003, China
2Key Laboratory of Ministry of education and the accumulation process of coalbed methane resources (China University of Mining and Technology), Xuzhou, Jiangsu, 221116, China
In laboratory, studies on the coal mine hydraulic fracturing principle and crack propagation characteristics require a large amount of coal samples, collection and processing are difficult, based on these, put forward a technical idea that using ratio of similar materials to simulate hydraulic fracturing native structure of coal and catalectic coal. On the basis of raw coal physical and mechanical properties tests, through the orthogonal method to allocate different proportion of cement, coal, gypsum, water and processing sample, then test physical and mechanical parameters including compressive strength, tensile strength modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio and so on, regression analysis shows that the higher the proportion of gypsum, the smaller the compressive strength of the material, based on this, we obtained the reasonable ratio of similar materials through trial and error, studies on the condition of the ratio of sample damage characteristics of acoustic emission and comparing with the raw coal, the result shows it is consistent with raw coal. Eventually get the similar material simulation of hydraulic fracturing of coal, cement, gypsum, water ratio: native structure of coal is 2:3:1:3; catalectic coal’s is 1:1:1.2:1.3.