Parametric identification for GHM and application of viscoelastic damper

L J Tan, B Fang, M M Li, Y Tang, W H Huang
School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, West Dazhi Str. 92, Nan Gang District, Harbin 150001, P R China
The GHM (Golla-Hughes-McTavish) model is extensively utilized by structural designers for studying complex structures with viscoelastic damping treatments in engineering. A kind of shear-type viscoelastic damper is investigated, and the damper is modelled with GHM model. The parameters of GHM model are identified by curve fitting and a detailed experiment in complex frequency domain. The comparison results show that the method proposed in the present paper to determine the parameters of GHM model is correct. A whole-spacecraft vibration isolation experiment is practically performed, and the results show that using the method to design the WSVI (Whole-spacecraft Vibration Isolator) is effective for isolating structure vibrations.