The bionic design, virtual prototype modelling and motion simulation of biped robot with heterogeneous legs

Hualong Xie1, Nan He1, Fei Li2
1School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110819, P.R. China
2School of Information Science & Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110870, P.R. China
The research of humanoid robot and intelligent prosthesis is integrated and a new-style humanoid robot named biped robot with heterogeneous legs (BRHL) is proposed to provide an ideal test-bed for intelligent bionic leg (IBL). The research background and concept of BRHL are introduced. The existed problems of common humanoid robot leg are analysed in detail. Based on bionics, the joint structure and driving scheme of artificial leg with pneumatic muscle actuator and bionic leg with magneto-rheological damper are designed. Using Pro/E, the virtual prototypes of artificial leg, bionic leg and BRHL are established. The bionic characteristics of artificial leg and bionic leg are analysed and the motion simulation of BRHL using ADAMS is done. The simulation indicates that BRHL can simulate amputees with IBL well and is an ideal test-bed for IBL.