CCRTRD-A concurrency control technique in real time replicated databases

CCRTRD-A concurrency control technique in real time replicated databases

Anil Kumar Gupta1, Vishnu Swaroop2
1Computer Sc. and Eng. Department, Bhagwant University, Ajmer, India
2Computer Sc. & Eng. Department, M. M. M. University of Technology, Gorakhpur, India

Data Replication is the process of using multiple copies of data located at multiple servers to help database systems to meet the stringent temporal constraints of time-critical applications, especially Internet-based services to resource for superior availability Each copy of the data is called a replica. These aspects encourage the researchers to study the requirement for realizing the benefits of replication. Current applications such as Web-based services, electronic commerce, mobile telecommunication system use the concept of replication for their functioning. The main goal of replication [5] is to improve availability and consistency. This helps mission critical services, such as many financial systems or reservation systems, where even a short outage can be very disruptive and expensive. Therefore, the major issue is to develop efficient replica concurrency control protocols that can tolerate the overload of the distributed system. Here, a new Concurrency Control protocol (CCRTRD) has been proposed for High Priority point and firm real-time database system using Static Two-Phase Locking (S2PL) for being deadlock free. It also includes High Priority given to a cohort after receiving PREPARE message from its coordinator. Proposed protocol shows significant performance improvement over O2PL and MIRROR in decreasing execution time of the current transaction and waiting time of transactions in queue.